With the new appearance of Schrack Seconet, the logo was also given more dynamism and modernity and at the same time a bridge was built to the original logo. The slant of the well-known logo has been adopted and unites our traditional values with modern demands. With its 65° angle and the staggered words in the lettering, the upward dynamic is emphasised and the orientation is clearly forward and upward. And that's exactly where our new lettering is pushing us. In future, however, the "S" will not only be used in the logo ...

Logo Main Version Positive files, specs & infos

Main Version

This version of our logo represents Schrack Seconet in all brand appearances. It incorporates our dynamic colours and conveys our idea of progress with the new design. It is the version primarily used and already has a high recognition value.

Main Version


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Main Version


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Secondary Version

With the second version of our logo, an alternative is offered for large layouts, landscape shots or posters in landscape format. This version is used exclusively when there is a lot of free space to fill. The main version remains the first choice.

Secondary Version


files, specs & infos
Secondary Version


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B/W Version


With the monochrome version of our logo, we support formats that do not allow colour use. The black and white logo is only used in these exceptions and is not an alternative to the red and blue version.

Main Version

Black, White & Grey

files, specs & infos
Secondary Version

Black, White & Grey

files, specs & infos



The "S" symbolises enough personality to represent the brand as a symbol. Simple and yet meaningful - in the colour red on a blue surface, the "S" achieves a high-contrast wow effect with recognition value. Here, too, the 65° angle is immediately recognisable and lends the self-confident symbol a future-oriented dynamism that conveys the values and demands of Schrack Seconet.



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Logo Main Version - Positive files, specs & infos
Logo Main Version - Negative files, specs & infos
Logo Main Version - B/W files, specs & infos