Communication Material

We support you with guidelines, assets and know-how in the design of Schrack Seconet communication materials. In addition to documents, this also includes folders, roll-ups, ads and presentations that help Schrack Seconet achieve a consistent and effective brand presence, whether for external or internal communication.


The focus of advertisements is also on a uniform brand presence. This is supported by the use of Schrack's own Seconet typography, a design with recognition value and the correct use of other design elements.

Company image | girl

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Fire Alarm | man

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Fire Alarm | woman

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Health Care | man

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Health Care | woman

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Integral EvoxX

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Visocall IP

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait

Digital Applications

A3 / A4 / A5 (bled off) Portrait


Here you will find the Schrack Seconet compliant set-up for product and brand roll-ups. Here, too, we create a uniform appearance with our templates or the guide, which benefits from the correct use of defined components.

Company Image

Show the business units Fire Alarm and Health Care

Fire Alarm | woman

Present the business unit Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm | man

Present the business unit Fire Alarm

Health Care | woman

Present the business unit Health Care

Health Care | man

Present the business unit Health Care

Integral EvoxX

Present the Integral EvoxX system

Visocall IP | woman

Present the Visocall IP system

Visocall IP | man

Present the Visocall IP system


Present the Securwatch system

Digital Applications

Present digital Applications for fire alarm systems


Show how to modernise health care communication systems
(EN version on request)

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